Choose a padel raquet: a complete guide

When approaching a sport, it is essential to use the correct products. Choosing the right padel racket may not be such a trivial choice as there are some important variables to consider before making the purchase. Here a guide to help you to choose a padel raquet for you.

The shape of the raquet

In order to choose a padel raquet, it is essential to identify the type of shape we are interested in. Different shapes have different balance characteristics and will appeal to different players. Essentially, there are 3 shapes of padel raquet: Round, Drop and Diamond

Player LevelPrinciple PlayerIntermediateExpert
Shot powerLower-power shotsIntermediateMore powerful shots
ControlMore controlIntermediateLess control
  • Rounded: is the recommended raquet type for Padel beginners. The low balance allows for more control of the racquet as the centre of mass of the racquet is more shifted towards the handle. The low balance also results in more control and better grip of the racquet.
  • Drop shape: the drop shape determines intermediate characteristics between the round shape and the diamond shape. It is recommended for an intermediate player. Those who come from tennis might opt for this type of raquet as they already possess the basic technique and motor patterns for playing padel.
  • Diamond: this raquet has the advantage of high balance, which allows for more powerful strokes. It is mainly suited for more experienced players who can maintain control of a powerful shot. Powerful strokes are at the expense of control as the racquet’s centre of mass is more displaced towards the head.

Choosing a padel raquet is an individual matter and the choice between these three shapes is not meant to be rigid. A beginner can easily choose to play with a more advanced raquet and vice versa if he/she sees fit.

The weight of the padle raquet

The weight is another key element to take into account when choosing a padel raquet. This varies mainly according to the material used in the racquet’s construction. Depending on whether you are a man or a woman, or a child, the optimal weight of your raquet will be different. The anatomical characteristics of the scapulohumeral joint between men and women, and between adults and children, greatly influence the weight of the raquet to be chosen.

Body MassManWoman
40-50 Kg< 360 g< 355 g
50-60 Kg360-365 g< 355 g
60-70 Kg360-365 g360 g
70-80 Kg370-375 g370-375 g
80-90 Kg380-390 g380 g
90-100 Kg> 390 g380-390 g
> 100 Kg> 390 g385-390 g

When you choose a padel raquet, you should also consider your physical constitution, as the simple man-woman-child distinction is not enough to choose weight. A 1.90m man weighing 90kg will not have the same requirements as a 1.65m man weighing 65kg. The same applies to women and children. You therefore have to consider both your physical constitution and your training status (if you are trained/you can opt for a heavier racket).

choose a padel raquet

Rocket materials

Padel raquets are mainly made from foam or EVA rubber and glass fibre or carbon fibre. Each brand also has differences in the composition of these materials that give each raquet different lightness, strength and hardness.


The foam compound makes the racquet more flexible, less responsive and less durable. With this compound, strokes will be less powerful but with better control.

EVA rubber: forms the core of the padel raquet and can be of two types:

  • Soft EVA: This compound increases the contact time between the ball and the racquet plate, giving the racquet more feel and control
  • HARD EVA: this compound reduces the contact time between the ball and the plate, making it suitable for a fast game with quick, powerful strokes.


Glass fibre: Being a cheaper and less rigid material than carbon fibre, it is often found in low to mid-range racquets (for beginners and intermediate players) and allows the racquet to be more malleable and better absorb strokes.

Carbon fibre: Lighter, stiffer and more expensive than glass fibre. We find it in mid-to-high-end racquets and it allows for greater strength and, due to its greater stiffness, more powerful strokes.

FiberglassCarbon fibre
Less resistantMore resistant
Hit harderMore powerful and faster hits
More controlLess control

This article was originally written in Italian and translated English via If you notice a major error in the translation you can write to [email protected] to report it. Your contribution will be greatly appreciated

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