When is the best time to exercise?

Working out can be an essential part of many people’s lives, but with so many activities to choose from and with such hectic times, it is important to choose carefully when to work out for best results. Choosing the best time to exercise can make the difference between an effective workout and one done half-heartedly. Some people prefer to get up early in the morning to start the day with energy, while others find exercise more effective in the afternoon or evening to relieve accumulated stress.

Hormonal trend of the day

Training is one of the most important aspects of good fitness and good health. When to train to get the maximum benefits from our workout is a question that often arises in the minds of athletes, bodybuilders, and anyone who wants to improve their physical condition. The most appropriate time to workout depends on several factors, including age, fitness level, personal preferences, and the hormonal pattern of the day.

Our body’s hormones play a crucial role in regulating various biological processes, including recovery from training, slimming, and gaining muscle mass. The plasma concentrations of these hormones, such as cortisol, GH, testosterone, and insulin, follow a circadian wave with maximum and minimum peaks at certain times of the day.

To optimize athletic performance, it is important to take this circadian rhythmicity into account and plan workouts according to the specific reactive capacities involved. For example, in the late afternoon and early evening hours, better results are obtained with explosive strength workouts, whereas in the morning, endurance and lipid power workouts are indicated.

Cortisol peaks in the early morning hours, promoting lipid power and fatty acid burning. However, a reduction in its levels through a meal containing high-glycemic-load sugars can inhibit fat burning and weight loss.

To promote overnight muscle recovery, insulin levels need to be lowered during dinner and carbohydrates reduced in favor of insulinogenic amino acids contained in dairy products or protein powder. This will promote the release of GH, which is essential for protein synthesis. Testosterone, also important for strength and muscle mass, peaks at night around 2:00-3:00 am.

The major body hormones circadian regulate athletic performance and the athlete’s body composition. By optimizing food intake, it is possible to positively influence the release of these hormones to achieve greater effectiveness in weight loss, lipid power, and protein synthesis.

What is the best time to exercise?

Although individual preferences may vary, there are certain times that are generally considered the most suitable times to workout. Scientific evidence shows that working out in the morning, between 7 a.m. and 9 a.m., is the ideal time. Working out at this time of day can help boost metabolism and provide energy throughout the day. Working out in the early afternoon, between 12 and 3 p.m., can also be beneficial. By this time, the body has already had time to warm up, which can help increase heart rate and avoid injury.

For more experienced athletes, training in the early afternoon can also be a great way to improve endurance and performance. Finally, late afternoon and evening workouts can be an effective way to relax after a hard day’s work and release accumulated tension or to train explosive strength.

(7-9 a.m.)
(Time 12-15)
(Hours 3-6 p.m.)
What workouts to do?Resistance and lipid power workoutsStrength and performance workoutsExplosive strength workouts

Although, therefore, there is no best time or definitive answer to this question, it is safe to say that the best time to exercise is early in the morning or in the evening between 3 pm and 6 pm. Morning exercise can help you wake up and get a good dose of energy to face the day, or serve as a way to relax and blow off steam.

Exercising during the day can help increase productivity, as working out can improve concentration and short-term memory. In addition, people who exercise during the day can enjoy increased energy and stamina, which can help them stay active and productive throughout the day.

Benefits of working out in the morning

Morning workout is one of the best time to exercise and one of most effective ways to get maximum benefits from fitness. Yet, many people put off working out until the end of the day. Science tells us that working out in the morning is a smart choice that can provide a number of benefits that can significantly improve quality of life.

Various scientific studies have shown that exercising in the morning can improve stamina, increase stress resistance, increase blood circulation, and help control weight. In fact, morning exercise training helps improve stamina and exercise endurance, while at the same time helping to improve balance, coordination and agility. Morning workout can also increase energy production, helping you stay more active and responsive throughout the day.

Morning workouts can also help improve mental health. Starting the day with an exercise session can help reduce levels of stress, anxiety and depression. Morning exercise can also help improve short-term memory, boost energy levels and increase productivity.

Another great benefit of morning exercise is that it can help regulate circadian rhythms. Your circadian rhythm is a kind of biological clock that dictates your habits and energy levels throughout the day. Working out in the morning can help regulate your circadian rhythms, helping you maintain a regular sleep pattern that is synchronized with your environment.

Morning exercise can also provide long-term benefits by helping to prevent heart disease, diabetes and other health problems. In addition, exercising in the morning can also help prevent premature aging, loss of muscle mass, and loss of flexibility.

In conclusion, exercising in the morning can provide a number of benefits that can improve your quality of life. By exercising in the morning, you can improve stamina, stress resistance, blood circulation, energy and productivity, and mental health. In addition, morning exercise can help regulate circadian rhythms and prevent long-term illness.

Benefits of working out in the evening

Working out is an essential part of a person’s health and well-being, and as such, choosing when to work out is an important decision. Most people choose to workout in the morning or afternoon, but working out in the evening can offer many benefits.

First of all, working out in the evening can be more convenient for many people. Most people work during the day, and working out in the evening can be a more convenient way to fit training into their routine. In addition, working out in the evening provides an opportunity to enjoy a relaxing time after the workday.

In addition, there are some biological benefits to working out in the evening. Body temperature is higher in the evening, which means that the body can make better use of its resources during training. Mood is also generally better in the evening, which can help people maintain enthusiasm and motivation during training.

There are also some physiological benefits to training in the evening. For example, individuals who exercise in the evening achieve better results in strength training than those who exercise in the morning.

In addition, training in the evening can help reduce stress and help prevent health problems such as anxiety and depression. In addition, working out in the evening can help prevent insomnia, as exercise can help relax the body and facilitate sleep.

In conclusion, working out in the evening can offer many health benefits, including increased convenience, higher body temperature, better mood, improved muscular endurance, and increased stamina. Although working out in the evening can present some challenges, the benefits it offers can far outweigh these obstacles.

For more on this topic, check out the latest scientific research on PubMed

This article was originally written in Italian and translated English via deepl.com. If you notice a major error in the translation you can write to [email protected] to report it. Your contribution will be greatly appreciated

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