Write with us

The AdessoSport.com blog is unlikely to write itself!

If you are a graduate or student in Exercise Science, Medicine, Biology, Physiotherapy, Nursing, or some other course of study and have a desire to write for a sports-themed blog, you have an opportunity to participate in writing for AdessoSport.com

Send us your articles to the email [email protected] along with your contact information. If the article is approved we will be happy to publish it and establish a working relationship with you.

Writing for a blog like AdessoSport.com means putting your expertise down on paper and making it available to a wider audience. In fact, there is no single specific topic you can cover. You can freely cover the topic you most prefer as long as it is related to the sports world.

To give you an idea, some of the topics covered are training, nutrition, basics, product reviews, and buying guides.